
Supporting procurement helping with not just identifying “what you have bought” but also enabling you to “bring you new spend to market”. All to often most of the time spend by procurement is either fire fighting or backward looking.

With our partnership with BestAuction – we give all our clients immediate access to a simple, efficient and incredibly cost effective auction portal for bringing your spend to market. Auctions are heavily used by large multinational buyers – but is a time efficient and effective tool for all buyers in the market – irrespective of size.

With BestAuction you get access to their “Reverse Auctions for Buyers” as well as the “Forward Auctions for Suppliers” recognizing that most buyers work in organizations that fundamentally also make their money from sales or at least where excess inventory should be sold off.

The Procurement platform allows in a very intuitive manner the ability to procure goods, materials, services from existing suppliers or potential suppliers. On the other side the platform allows you to post excess, overstock materials out into the market. It’s a SAAS model, per seat per month, very affordable, no integration needed.d mobile.


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